The Whynter Cigar Cigar Cooler Electric Humidor is an attractive and elegant showcase for your valuable collection, as it is ideal for the preservation and aging of cigars. The Whynter Electronic Humidor is a high-quality, low-cost cigar humidor that helps to maintain moisture, repel harmful insects, emits light and complementary flavors, and helps maintain moisture.
A Whynter Cigar Cooler Humidor is the ideal cigar storage system that can help preserve the flavor of your cigars and protect them from harmful conditions. The Whynter thermoelectric Humidor range is designed to help you maintain an optimal humidity of 62 - 75%. They contain a full-size thermoelectric humidor and is equipped with an elegant analog hygrometer that monitors the desired humidity. The thermoelectric cooling system used minimizes the drying effect during cooling, in contrast to compressor-based cooling systems. The fan in the device ensures that the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the entire device.
Frequently Asked Questions about Cigar Coolers
How do you season a cigar cooler?
To season a cigar humidor, place the damp sponge on top of the humidity packets you have already placed in the bottom of your humidor. Plugin your humidifier and close the lid. Allow the cigar humidor to rest for three days at seventy degrees or higher. Then replace your damp sponge with a dry one and continue to season your cigar humidor.
What does a cigar humidifier do?
There are several purposes for a cigar humidifier. The first purpose is to protect the cigars in your humidor. Cigars have to be kept in a stable environment at an optimal temperature and humidity level to properly mature so they can develop their flavors well. The humidor's interior should have a relative humidity of 70% for optimal storage conditions.
Can I keep cigars in a wine cooler?
Cigars dry out after only a few days and at the same time, bottles of wine start to lose their flavor after just a day or two. So why not put these two things together and store cigars with wine in an insulated wine cooler? A wine cooler is a good choice for storing cigars for brief periods. A cooler temperature lowers humidity levels and retards aging. However a wine cooler stores wine at 50 to 55 degrees F, whilst a humidity level of 70 percent or greater is recommended for cigars. Keeping the temperature at 50 to 55 degrees F with a humidity level of 70 percent will keep your cigar fresh and moist for up to two years according to a report published by the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida.
This means it is possible, but most cigar smokers find this balance does not work for them. Aside from the need for Spanish Cedar for the interior instead of wine racks, there are a number of complications storing cigars in plastic such as odors and just the effect on the taste of the cigar.
How long will cigars last in a humidor?
Because cigars can become more flavorful and expertly balanced as they age, it's important to store your cigars properly in a humidor with a humidity gauge. Cigar enthusiasts typically wait at least 3 months before smoking their first cigar, so that enough time can be given for a cigar to develop its full flavor potential. Cigar humidors should have vents on the bottom and top panel to regulate airflow. The shelves inside a humidor should have grooves, which helps regulate the humidity in the space between the cigars resting on top of the shelves.
Are thermoelectric Cigar coolers any good?
A cigar cooler has become a vital accessory for any cigar connoisseur. It protects against two of the biggest enemies of fine wines and cigars, heat and light. Generally speaking, temperature is the biggest distinguishing factor between a basic thermoelectric wine cooler and a higher quality compressor model. That being said, most consumers are looking for something that will hold a constant cellar-like temperature in an area of their home or apartment that may not be climate controlled year round. A thermoelectric cooling unit is the perfect choice for your cigar cooler, but there are a few important things to consider before you make your final decision. Thermoelectric cooling units feature great insulation and will allow you to store cigars in less than ideal conditions. They are also extremely quiet and efficient, making them perfect for smaller spaces or living areas. Keep these tips in mind before making a final decision.
How long do thermoelectric cigar coolers last?
The lifespan of a thermoelectric Cigar cooler is hard to define accurately, as it depends on a lot of factors. For example, if you are exposed to the elements, and move the humidor often, your cooler will wear out quicker. On the other hand, if you use it in a stationary positon and in a dry place, it could last you quite a while. Most popular brands offer different warranty schemes ranging from 12 months upwards.