A unique and good cigar humidor keeps your cigars fresh, aromatic and ready to smoke. A true Spanish cedar-lined humidors will not alter the taste of your cigar and are ideal for anyone who keeps their small or medium collection of cigars. There is a wide selection of cedars in various sizes and sizes, which can hold anywhere between 25 and 50 cigars.
Adorini humidors are crafted in Germany, boasting superior craftsmanship that combines premium materials with advanced humidification technology to preserve cigars in perfect condition. Two of their best-selling models include the Adorini Roma Black Edition Humidor and the Adorini Chianti Medium Deluxe Humidor, exemplifying the excellence of German-made cigar storage solutions.
Ammodor humidors are unique, handcrafted cigar storage solutions made from repurposed military surplus ammunition cans. These durable, airtight cases offer excellent moisture control and protection, combining rugged, military-inspired design with the precision needed for optimal cigar preservation. Two popular models include the Ammodor .50 Cal Ammo Can Humidor and the Ammodor Fat 50 Ammo Can Humidor.
Bey-Berk humidors are known for their elegant design and superior craftsmanship, offering stylish and functional cigar storage solutions. Their humidors are crafted with premium materials like Spanish cedar, ensuring proper humidity control and cigar preservation. Two popular models include the Bey-Berk Ebony Wood Humidor, featuring a sleek, modern look, and the Bey-Berk Carbon Fiber Yellow Lacquered Humidor, known for its classic design and spacious interior.
Craftsman's Bench is renowned for its top-tier cigar accessories, combining quality with refined aesthetics. The Craftsman's Bench Calico stands out with its contemporary design and efficient humidity management, making it a stylish choice for cigar enthusiasts. Meanwhile, the Craftsman's Bench Raven 60 offers ample storage with a classic, elegant design, ideal for organizing and preserving a large collection of cigars.
Daniel Marshall humidors are renowned for their luxury and craftsmanship, blending elegance with expert humidification technology to preserve cigars in peak condition. Crafted with premium materials and meticulous attention to detail, these humidors are a symbol of sophistication. Two of their best-selling models include the Daniel Marshall Signature Ambiante Humidor and the Daniel Marshall 35th Anniversary Humidor.
Don Salvatore is a distinguished brand specializing in high-quality cigar accessories, including humidors, cutters, and lighters. Known for their elegant designs and superior craftsmanship, Don Salvatore products cater to both casual smokers and dedicated aficionados. Two notable items include the Don Salvatore Cameroon Humidor, which combines luxurious aesthetics with precise humidity control, and the Don Salvatore Cuban Wheel Humidor, renowned for its unique shape and unbeatable design.
Elie Bleu’s exquisite humidors, renowned for their craftsmanship and timeless elegance. These luxury pieces not only preserve your cigars but also add sophistication to any space. The Medals Humidor features intricate wood inlays and holds up to 110 cigars, combining artistry with superior humidity control. The Casa Cubana Humidor showcases a bold, vibrant design, offering storage for 75 cigars, perfect for connoisseurs who value both function and style. Elevate your cigar experience with Elie Bleu’s expertly crafted humidors, blending elegance and precision.
Liebherr is renowned for its high-quality refrigeration solutions, and their humidors are no exception. Designed for precision and reliability, Liebherr humidors offer excellent climate control to ensure optimal cigar preservation. The notable model is the Liebherr ZKes 453 150 Cigar Ct. Electric Humidor, which combines sophisticated design with advanced humidity regulation and precise temperature
NewAir humidors are known for their advanced temperature control and modern designs, ensuring cigars are stored in perfect conditions. With their Opti-Temp™ technology, they provide precise climate regulation for optimal cigar preservation. Two top models include the NewAir 250 Count Electric Humidor with Opti-Temp™ and the NewAir 840 Count Cigar Humidor with Opti-Temp™
known for creating stylish and functional humidors, lighters, and cutters. Their products are designed to meet the needs of both casual smokers and avid cigar collectors. Two of their best-selling humidors include the Prestige Import Group Valencia Glass Top Humidor, featuring a stunning glass display and Spanish cedar lining, and the Prestige Import Group The Sovereign Cabinet Humidor, offering a large capacity with elegant wood craftsmanship for optimal cigar preservation.
Quality Importers is a leading provider of premium cigar accessories, known for their craftsmanship and innovation. Their Tower of Power Humidor is a standout piece, offering ample storage with multiple tiers for organizing a large collection of cigars. Another notable model is the Quality Importers Milano Glass Top Humidor, featuring a sleek glass top and elegant design, perfect for showcasing and preserving a sizable collection with style and precision.
Raching Global, established in 2004, is a leader in wine and cigar storage solutions worldwide. They offer a range of products including smart wine coolers, cigar cabinets, and temperature-controlled display units. Notable models include the MON5800A, featuring an extra-large capacity, Spanish cedar wood boxes, and advanced humidity control, and the C380A, which offers dual space versatility with a Spanish cedar liner and balanced temperature and humidity control.
Savinelli humidors are known for their Italian craftsmanship and elegant designs, offering a stylish and reliable way to store cigars. Combining timeless aesthetics with quality humidification, these humidors ensure cigars are kept in ideal conditions. Two of their best-selling models include the Savinelli Humidor Burgundy Laquered and the Savinelli Black Leather Zip Cigar Case Box.
Siglo offers a range of premium cigar accessories that blend elegance with innovation. The Siglo Snakeskin Travel Humidor stands out with its exotic snakeskin pattern and rugged construction, providing both style and protection for cigars while traveling. Meanwhile, the Siglo 200 Sticks Biometrico - Fingerprint Humidor features cutting-edge biometric technology for secure access, ensuring that your extensive cigar collection is both safeguarded and perfectly preserved.
Visol Products is known for offering a wide range of stylish and practical cigar accessories, including lighters, cutters, and humidors. Their products are designed to combine functionality with elegant design, catering to both casual smokers and aficionados. Two of their best-selling items include the Visol Remo Humidor and the Visol Little Joe Travel Humidor.