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Woodstock News

A Guide to Red Wine Storage – 5 Tools and Techniques
Undoubtedly, one of the finest experiences in life is opening a fresh bottle of red wine, whether it's pinot noir, petite sirah, or cabernet sauvig...

The 10 Best Wine Clubs in the USA
The United States of America is home to some of the best wine clubs in the world. From small, boutique offerings to larger organizations with a nat...

An In-depth Wine Tasting Guide: 10 of the Best Wines in the World
Wine tasting can be a subjective experience. Your taste preferences might not match somebody else’s, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach tha...

Red Vs. White Wine Glass - Why Are They Different?
While you’re probably familiar with the incredible variety of wine glasses available, did you know that different wine glasses are better suited fo...

What are the benefits of Wine?
What exactly are the benefits of wine? Wine has been around for centuries, but the healthful properties of the drink have only recently come to lig...

The Top 10 Best Tasting Wines in the World
The top 10 best tasting wines in the world are a highly sought after selection of fine wines that are widely considered to be some of the most flav...

Red Wine Temperature Storage - Best Practices & Mistakes To Avoid
If you want your bottles of red wine to last for years in storage, you need to ensure that you’re using the correct temperature settings. This will...

Top 10 Best Vineyards in the USA
The USA is home to some of the world's best vineyards, with a wide variety of breathtaking landscapes and high-quality craft wines. From reds to wh...

The Science of Sex and Wine
When it comes to pairing the perfect combination of sex and wine, science can provide valuable insights. Research has shown that different types of...

The Top 50 Wine Playlist
Searching for the perfect wine playlist? Look no further! We've identified the top 50 wine-themed tunes to set the mood on your next night. From me...

When a supermodel talks wine: The top 15 popular supermodels and their favorite wine!
Ever wondered what supermodels sip on their afternoons off? We’ve rounded up 15 of the world’s most popular supermodels and their favorite wines! F...
